Five Year MBA
Electrical or Computer Engineering students may choose to participate in the Maine Business School’s five-year MBA program. This program provides UMaine non-business degree majors the opportunity to complete the MBA program in one academic year by attending full-time, post baccalaureate, by incorporating the MBA prerequisites during the span of the student’s undergraduate career.
Students participating in the program may be required to take ECO 120 (Principles of Microeconomics) and ECO 121 (Principles of Macroeconomics) — courses that can be used to meet their HV&SC Elective requirements in ECE. The business school statistics requirement is satisfied by the meeting the ECE statistics requirement. Other upper-level Business courses required by the program may be used to satisfy the “Generic Technical Elective” requirements of the ECE program.
Interested students should plan far in advance, and must apply for admission into the program. For more information, visit the Maine Business School website.